Carracosta-GX - PTCGL Code
Carracosta-GX - PTCGL Code

Carracosta-GX - PTCGL Code

Your Price: $0.90
Part Number: Carracosta-GX
Availability: 0 codes Out of Stock.
Code cards translations:
Feature: aad
Feature: RLN-T6KW-RNX-QT6
The PTCG Live game limits the number of codes that can be redeemed per account. There's a 4 code limit you can redeem. Any additional codes you redeem give you Crystals instead of cards. 

We suggest that you keep track of the number of codes you have already redeemed before purchasing additional ones. 
You can only redeem 10 codes at a time before having to click the redeem button. Be wary of how many codes you input at once or you can get an error. 

Carracosta GX - - HP 250
Type: Stage 2
Ability High Density Armor

If this Pokemon has full HP, it takes 90 less damage from your opponent's attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

Ground Crush : 160

The Defending Pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

Stone Age GX

Put any number of Pokemon that evolve from Unidentified Fossil from your discard pile onto your Bench. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)

Weakness: x2
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost:

With Carracosta GX Code you get the following Pokemon Cards in the PTCG Live

  • 1 Carracosta GX SM239

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