Corviknight V Battle Deck - Pokemon TCG Codes
Corviknight V Battle Deck - Pokemon TCG Codes

Corviknight V Battle Deck - Pokemon TCG Codes

Your Price: $2.99
Part Number: Corviknight-V-Battle-Deck
Availability: 17 codes In Stock.
Code cards translations:
Feature: 1077
Feature: WHJ-LBH6-N4N-46N
The PTCG Live game limits the number of codes that can be redeemed per account. There's a 4 code limit you can redeem. Any additional codes you redeem give you Credits. 

We recommend choosing codes in a standard format for immediate playability. If you opt for a deck from the expanded format, you may receive just one promo card instead of 60 cards.

We suggest that you keep track of the number of codes you have already redeemed before purchasing additional ones.
You can only redeem 10 codes at a time before having to click the redeem button. Be wary of how many codes you input at once or you can get an error.

With Corviknight V Battle Deck Code you get the following Cards in the PTCG Live
Paste Copied Decklist to your PTCGO Game - Deck Manager > Create a New Deck > Import
##Pokémon - 21
  • 2 Cobalion CRE 114
  • 1 Corviknight V PR-SW 200
  • 2 Dialga VIV 121
  • 4 Ferroseed SSH 130
  • 4 Galarian Meowth VIV 112
  • 2 Klefki FST 186
  • 3 Ferrothorn SSH 131
  • 3 Galarian Perrserker RCL 127
##Trainer Cards - 21
  • 2 Escape Rope BST 125
  • 2 Evolution Incense SSH 163
  • 2 Gym Trainer SHF 59
  • 2 Shauna FST 240
  • 4 Hop SSH 165
  • 2 Bug Catcher FST 226
  • 1 Sonia RCL 167
  • 4 Great Ball SSH 164
  • 1 Cook FST 228
  • 1 Potion SSH 177
##Energy - 18
  • 18 Metal Energy SWSHEnergy 8
Total Cards - 60

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